Experiencing unexpected behaviors on eBird Mobile? You've come to the right place. Please read the sections below before contacting us for help.

Is it a bug?

Some behaviors of eBird Mobile are expected. These include:


App crashing, freezing, or unable to update

Manually update the app by following this link on your mobile device:

If the problem persists on the current version, the installation itself may be corrupt. You will need to completely delete (uninstall) and reinstall the app. Submitted checklists will remain safely archived on the eBird website. Any Not Submitted checklists will be lost. We suggest taking screenshots or writing down your Not Submitted checklist data so you can re-enter these lists after deleting and reinstalling the app.

Error submitting checklist

effortDistance must be less than or equal to 5000.00 

eBird checklist error

This error message appears when an eBird Mobile GPS track is longer than 100km (62 mi). If the GPS track is incorrect you can adjust the start and endpoints. Otherwise, delete the GPS track and re-enter the distance information. Note that very long traveling checklists are not as useful for science and may be hidden from public outputs (learn more about our rules and best practices for traveling counts). 

No Connection / There's a problem with your connection

"No connection" or "Connection problem" messages can also appear if your login details are out of date. Open your Account Settings in the app, erase your username and password, and re-type them from scratch. If the error message persists, verify you are using the correct credentials (try logging into the eBird.org website to confirm your details).

If the issue you are experiencing is not listed above, please continue with the troubleshooting steps below.

1. Update the app 

The latest version of eBird Mobile will often contain fixes to known "bugs" in previous versions. Before troubleshooting further, first make sure you are using the most recent version of the app. 

To update the app: Open the appropriate link below using your mobile device -

How do I know which version I have? 

To tell whether you have the latest version of the app, compare your eBird Mobile version to the most recent version published in the App Store or Google Play (links above). Here's where to look for your app version:

  • iOS devices: tap "More" - the three dots in the bottom right corner of eBird Mobile. Your version will be printed at the bottom of that page.

  • Android devices: tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of eBird Mobile. Your version is displayed at the bottom of the sidebar that appears. 

If you are experiencing...

  • "NSURLErrorDomain error"
  • Packs cannot be found or downloaded for your area
  • Cannot log into the app after password change
  • App crashes when trying to choose a location

Updating to the latest version of the app using the links above should resolve the issue. If it does not, continue with the troubleshooting steps below.

2. Consider device-related issues

Several known behaviors of the app are associated with the hardware or software of your device. These include: 

  • Not having "Location Services" turned on for iOS devices (learn more about Location Services)
  • Unable to obtain a GPS signal without wifi because your mobile device does not have a built-in GPS device (usually only experienced by tablets and iPads)

GPS accuracy issues:

messy eBird mobile GPS track

If you find eBird Mobile tracks and "Auto selected" locations do not reflect your actual location, it may be related to your phone's GPS performance.

Several things may affect your device's GPS accuracy including: reception, wifi strength, satellite availability, and - most importantly - your device's built-in GPS unit. 

Always verify your location and track are correct before submitting a checklist

  • You can select or change your checklist's location at any time by tapping the location name at the top of the checklist (next to "Hide"). Choose the "Map" tab to see where your checklist is currently plotted, and select a new location if necessary.

  • Edit or delete the GPS track before submitting if it does not accurately reflect your route

At the moment, observed variation in GPS accuracy appears to be device and situation-specific, and therefore not something we can easily fix within eBird Mobile. 

3. Contact us

Follow Steps 1-2 above before contacting us for assistance with eBird Mobile. Following the instructions below will ensure a more timely solution to your problem. 

Describe the problem in a reproducible manner

For most errors, we cannot develop solutions until we can re-create them. When contacting us, it is extremely important to describe the problem with enough detail that we could get the same results. This usually means describing your entire process, step by step, before encountering the error, as well as any troubleshooting measures you've already taken.

Take screenshots

If you are encountering an unexpected behaviors or error messages, a screenshot is often the best way to communicate the problem. Please include screenshots whenever possible. 

If you're not sure how to take a screenshot/screen recording, here are instructions for iOS and for Android devices.  

Include device information 

In addition to screenshots and a detailed description of the problem, also include:

  • Your device make, model, and operating system version
  • Your eBird Mobile version number (see above for where to find it) 

Send us a note

Send a fully detailed description of the problem, screenshots, and device information to our Help Center

Remember: we will not be able to help you effectively until we fully understand the problem. Please be as detailed as possible in your initial message. Thank you!


                                           Tufted Titmouse                                   

 Tufted Titmouse by Fran Meyerson/Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab (ML223316221)